Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Midnight Madness 2015

Implemented in 2013 MIDNIGHT MADNESS has quickly become one of Friar Football's most treasured traditions. On August 16th and 17th Friar Football continued that tradition and even brought it to a whole new level with the addition of the 1st annual Midnight Madness Family BBQ. Decorations around the fence of B&P's turf field, food, lawn games and music added to the festivities. There was excitement and anticipation in the air as returning players and their families along with new incoming freshmen mixed and mingled till well after dusk. 

At 9:30 PM the BBQ came to a close and it was time for the players to prepare for a long night and day of Friar Football. Two by two the players disappeared into darkened hallways of B&P Catholic High School only to later reemerge at 12:01 AM in full pads and practice gear. 

With helmets in hand the Friars of B&P headed down the long paved slope to their turf field for their 1st official practice of the season. Families lined the fence at the top of the field and spread out on the grassy hills to watch the players below as they began their first practice session. 

At 2:00 AM there was still a handful of families milling about. Booster Club Members Karl Beck and Lou Lombardo fired up the grill once more to feed the hungry boys and their coaches as they left the field for a mid morning break. Returning at 4:00 AM Friars pushed through the early morning hours conditioning, calling plays and working on drills. 

With the city of Philadelphia peaking over the horizon and the sun slowly rising in the distance Coach Bernhard finally called the last huddle at 6:00 AM in the morning.  In the cool of the early morning breeze wether it was their first Midnight Madness or their last you could hear the players praying together as a unified team...

"Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee:
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb,
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death,

(Put your hands in.
Bonner on three.

One, two, three...)


As the players walked up the paved slope to head home they were tired but in good spirits. Some were even smiling and joking around just as they were 6 hours before.

Now that the Madness is over the real work begins. Friars go on to practice five days a week from here on out. 1st scrimmage of the season is this Saturday, August 22nd at 10:00 AM at B&P Turf Field against West Catholic.
Good Luck to all our Friars as they embark on their new season of football.

Midnight Madness
This is our tradition...what's yours?



Here are some articles written about this year's Midnight Madness and Team:

PA PREP LIVE article on Midnight Madness written by Matthew De George: http://papreplive.com/football/2015/08/17/another-midnight-kickoff-to-season-for-bonner-prendergast/

This blog is sponsored and managed by the Bonner & Prendie Football Booster Club.
Contact us a friarfootballboosters@gmail.com with any questions.

1 comment:

  1. As a first year family and parent of a freshman, this experience was truly outstanding. We feel welcomed by our new Friar Family. Many years of excitement are in our future.
    God bless...
    The Hudnut family
    Debbie, Jason, CC....and Cole (class of '19)
